What is the Fachschaftsrat?
All students of a Fach such as physics or transcultural studies constitute their Fachschaft. „Fachschaft” is the German word referring to all students of the subject/programmes, of all semesters, i.e. the whole student body of a “Fach”.
Every member of the Fachschaft may run for the Fachschaftsrat – a group of students representing the Fachschaft. There is only one exception to who may run for Fachschaftsrat. That being Erasmus-students, as they are only short-term students. The Fachschaftsrat takes an intermediate position between the students and the staff. It meets regularly, organizes events, communicates news that are relevant for the students, gives feedback and articulates students’ concerns to the staff.
In the Studierendenrat (StuRa), the student council, representatives from students´ initiatives and the Fachschaften at the University of Heidelberg come together to decide on matters concerning the students in general. It meets twice a month.
Run for a seat!
More information:
Wahlausschuss des Studierendenrates (StuRa) c/o StuRa-Büro
Albert-Ueberle-Straße 3-5, 69120 Heidelberg
V.i.S.d.P: Vorsitz der Verfassten Studierendenschaft der Universität Heidelberg
Version: 06/2017